Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hey people.

It's been awhile since I've been blogging and I've got to say my December is quite busy and happening. :D

And I am not complaining at all.

So I've been to Hong Kong and Singapore recently and I have to say it is awesome.
Like really.
If you have not been to any of those countries before, well, :(


Those two countries are awesome, so awesome, so very very awesome.
Mainly because the main thing I did in those two countries is shopping.

Oh shopping. Glorious shopping.
Have you ever have that so happy feeling, the euphoric feeling?
For the first time I can ever remember, I actually am satisfied.
Satisfied that I don't feel the urge in walking in stores anymore.
Yea, this sentence coming from me is rare. As rare as me wanting to study during the holidays.

I will update on my HK more specifically when I have uploaded the pictures in my laptop.
I would do it right now, but
a)I have no idea where is my dad's DSLR.
b)Even if I know where it is, it is quite intimidating to touch it because any new thing of my dad's immediately will be promoted to being his second wife.
If you ever come close to laying a dirty, unsanitize hand on it, it's like writing a death wish.

Besides wonderful shopping, my social life have also gone up a notch.
Made many new friends in the holidays, specifically December.
The people are so nice and easy to talk to that you just click immediately.
Sadly, friends like these I'm afraid will lose touch even if I don't want to. :(
But anyhow, I enjoyed my time with them. :)

I won't say this holidays are all ups and no downs. There are a few downs but hopefully, everything will turn out alright. Almost everything did. :)

I know people don't like pictureless blogposts but well, if you don't wanna read it then just don't.

So all in all, my holidays have been great. Awesome. Wicked. Wonderful.

Till the next post.

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